
Internal Reservation Policies

Loyola University Chicago (LUC) strives to provide program support, services, facilities, and amenities for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. These services are designed to facilitate the development of the LUC community by providing opportunities for involvement in a diverse array of organizations, programs, and activities. In the spirit of the Jesuit tradition, LUC provides meeting and event facilities to support academic growth and enhance the campus life experience.

In order to reserve space, faculty, staff, and student organizations must agree to follow LUC’s rules, regulations, and policies outlined in the Community Standards provided by the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. Users must also comply with applicable state and federal laws.


NEW Campus Usage Policy

Things to Know Before Reserving Space

How to Reserve Space

Reservation Cancellations

Setup Information

Academic and Student-Priority Space Considerations

University-Wide Events

Additional Policies and Procedures

Additional Accommodations

Event Contingency Information

General Use Information




Loyola University Chicago strives to be a welcoming community and advance discussion, learning and engagement through the use of its facilities on five campuses. Each year, Loyola welcomes conferences, seminars, community meetings and speaker presentations that advance our common interests in the pursuit of knowledge and encouragement of dialogue and discussion on a variety of topics.

With over 2 million square feet of space across the Water Tower and Lake Shore Campuses alone, the university also has an obligation to ensure that its facilities are well maintained and secured, that the needs of our guests on our campuses are met and that, in doing so, the university is appropriately prepared, compensated and protected.

The Campus Space Usage Policy is intended to ensure that Loyola can continue to serve the various needs of our campus community while at the same time outlining specific protocols that will help sponsors, planners and event organizers appropriately consider the operational impact, cost and advance notification necessary for a successful event.

Overall Policy Statement

Ownership of all Loyola University Chicago space/facilities belongs to the University, rather than individuals, units or departments and is assigned for specific functions that support Loyola’s educational mission and strategic goals set by the University.

The use of University-owned facilities is primarily reserved for students, faculty and staff in the normal daily operations of our educational enterprise. Events, conferences, seminars, and talks that complement our educational landscape will be accommodated if appropriate on-campus space is available and under the parameters of this Campus Space Usage Policy. The university president and provosts reserve the right to deny access and use of university facilities for any event, conference, seminar or talk that they believe is not consistent with Loyola’s Jesuit and Catholic identity and mission. All properties, buildings, spaces (both indoors & outdoors) on all campuses are included in this policy.

The use of university space is a privilege. It comes with the expectation that the individual department, school or division using or sponsoring the use of the space:

RESPECT university property, and;
RECOGNIZE that the set-up, security, insurance, guest and participant accommodations and audio-visual support does not come without cost.

Space Usage Categories

Internal university use - The event, performance, conference, seminar, talk, etc. is presented by and attended by faculty, staff, or students of Loyola only. The event is not open to the general public or any other group other than faculty, staff or students. No registration fees, conference fees or membership fees are required for anyone to attend the event and the appropriate university department is primarily responsible for the program, its promotion and execution. It is typically hosted by an academic department, student organization, services unit or division. External sponsorships are not permitted; this would also include an outside organization to pay for the catering of an event and to reimburse the department hosting the event.

Sponsored event - The event, performance, conference, seminar, talk, etc. is hosted by an appropriate University department or departments, school, division, student organization and may be promoted and marketed to a broad external group, typically, but not always listed under the name of an association or agency, (e.g. Society of Professional Journalists, American Association of Accounting Professionals, Society of Historians, etc.) Typically, but not always membership in an organization, conference or admission fee is charged in order to attend. Speakers and/or guests must also include Loyola faculty, staff or students. In order for they category to apply, the hosting department must be present during the event and work with Conference Services on logistics. If not, it is considered and external event/activity.

External event - The event, performance, conference, seminar, talk, etc. is promoted and executed by an external organization or association that desires to use the University’s facilities, housing accommodations and other amenities for its program. Loyola students, faculty or staff may or may not have an interest or role in the program and typically, but not always, registration fees, membership or admission fees are charged by the organizers of the event.

Fees, Insurance, and Guest Accommodations

The set-up, usage, cleaning and maintenance of university space is handled through the facilities department and our outside housekeeping contractor, Millard Services. Fees may be incurred for room preparation and take-down for internal and co-sponsored events if they exceed the standard room setup or require support beyond the capabilities of the space. However, in an effort to encourage academic departments, divisions and schools to engage with outside associations and bring them to Loyola and Chicago to host their events, Conference Services can assist and has instituted a two-tiered rate structure for room rental fees, clean-up and associated requirements.


Internal events – Most setups are complimentary especially if an event uses the existing standard room setups. Additional fees may apply if the setup exceeds the existing configuration capabilities. If equipment and resources are brought in to support the event, the sponsoring department will be notified of additional expenses and will have the option to work with the existing university resources or assume payment responsibilities for the additional support.

Sponsored events - rates apply to those sponsored events that are hosted on campus by a University department or departments, school, division, student organization and are designed to cover the actual costs only of personnel and set-up and take down of requested rooms. Typically fees are 50% of the external event rate.

External events - rates apply to those external events whose organizations contact conference services directly for use of our space, campus amenities and, in some cases, overnight accommodations, for their members or audience. These rates are competitive with other conference venues in Chicago including local hotels.


Certificates of Insurance must be provided for any sponsored or conference event held on any of Loyola University’s campuses. Conference Services is equipped to answer questions on the form and requirements of such insurance certificates.

Guest Accommodations

Sponsored or conference events are expected to work with Conference Services to address any needed guest accommodations such as parking, overnight rooms or special needs. Unless otherwise negotiated via a Conference Services agreement, all guests will be responsible for the cost of any on-campus parking, overnight accommodations or other special requirements.

Protocols and Policy for Usage Categories

25Live Pro is the university’s on-line room reservation system. It is accessible via: https://campusres.luc.edu/25Live Pro/ by any Loyola registered student organization, faculty member or staff member. It is important that all fields and details of the event be completed in 25Live Pro so that room set-up needs and facilities and Campus Reservations appropriately understand any other event information. 25Live Pro is the reservation mechanism that should be used to reserve campus space for Internal University Use categories only. Sponsored and External events must be booked via Conference Services to ensure that appropriate fees, insurance requirements and guest accommodations can be met.

  1. Determine the usage category of your event. (Internal, Sponsored, External)

  2. If you are unsure, phone Campus Reservations (773-508-8117) or Conference Services (773-508-8090) for input and direction.

  3. Depending on the event type, proceed to reserve the desired spaces/dates/times either via 25Live Pro or with a call to Conference Services (773-508-8090); NOTE: it is important that all questions on 25Live Pro are answered fully and truthfully. Falsifying information on 25Live Pro to circumvent the assessment of appropriate charges for event space will result in its cancellation and assessment of appropriate fees.

  4. Campus Reservations will assist with reservations, event details and logistics for internal University use categories only.

  5. Conference Services will assist with reservations, logistics, event details, contracts, insurance, invoices, payments, parking, transportation, AV, communication/signage, security and special requests.

Event Types and Any Associated Costs and Requirements

Internal university use -

  • Reservation process: 25Live Pro

  • Room set up fees: None

  • Room rental fees: None

  • Room clean fees: None

  • Food costs: Per Loyola Catering/usage

  • AV: ITRS supported with the exception of afterhours/weekends which may incur additional fees. Last minute request may not be supported.

Sponsored event - (call Conference Services for rates)

  • Reservation process: Conference Services

  • Room set-up fees: Yes—University sponsorship rate schedule

  • Room rental fees: Yes---University sponsorship rate schedule

  • Room clean fees: Yes—University sponsorship rate schedule

  • Food/Beverage: Loyola Catering

  • AV: Yes—per conference services schedule

  • Contracts/Insurance Yes

  • Invoices/Payments Yes

External event - (call Conference Services for rates)

  • Reservation process: Conference Services

  • Room set-up fees: Yes—Conference rate schedule

  • Room rental fees: Yes—Conference rate schedule

  • Room clean fees: Yes—Conference rate schedule

  • Food/Beverage: Loyola Catering

  • AV: Yes

  • Contracts/Insurance Yes

  • Invoices/Payments Yes

Notes: Stages, set-ups, security, parking/transportation, Athletics events, use of Gentile arena, early/late building access, may require additional fees and assistance.

Sponsored and external events must be booked a minimum of 21 days prior to the event date. If the event is under 21 days, additional cost may be incurred.

Political events must have prior approval from the office of Government Affairs.

Events/activities cancelled less than 48 hours (or not at all) may result in the rooms/space setup charges assessed to the University department or departments, school, division, student organization.


General Information

Rooms are available for reservation when they are not being used by courses or University-wide functions. Some rooms have academic restrictions: requests for these spaces will not be confirmed until the third week of each semester. Special requests to receive early approval will be considered but are not guaranteed. All reservations must be confirmed through Campus Reservations to ensure that space is properly booked. Setup configurations and AV accommodations may be limited based on space capabilities. Although Campus Reservations will work hard to accommodate all requests, last minute reservations and room setups cannot be guaranteed. All requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and should be placed at least 10 business days before your event date.

Reservable Space

To review a list of reservable locations, please visit the Campus Reservations Room Inventory.  Though this inventory provides basic information about most reservable locations, a more thorough list of details and accommodations can be found by searching for the room in 25Live Pro, clicking on the title, and selecting the Details sub-tab.  


Staff, faculty, and registered student organizations should submit room requests through the Event Form in 25Live Pro. Questions regarding facility availability, use, and accommodations can be sent to campus-reservations@luc.edu.  Off-campus groups must contact Conference Services at conferences@luc.edu. Requests will be subject to availability and will be billed accordingly.

Note: you may need to consider an alternate room if your desired space is not available on the date of your event. There are many event spaces, auditoriums, and classrooms reservable through 25Live Pro. If you are flexible with the date and/or the location of your event, Campus Reservations can assist with the process of finding an alternate location.

How to Reserve Space

Please visit 25Live Pro to place a reservation request. Decide which type of space is appropriate for your event— you can do so by reviewing the Room Inventory or by using the category search options in 25Live Pro. Here, you can find pictures, descriptions, features, setup options, and specials notes regarding all reservable rooms. If needed, Campus Reservations is always happy to assist with space suggestions and 25Live Pro training (campus-reservations@luc.edu). Once you are ready to place your request, click on the Event Form tab in the upper-right corner of the screen. Please provide as much information as possible within the body of the form. Once you click finish, your request will be sent to Campus Reservations for processing. All requests are considered drafts until you receive a confirmation email from Campus Reservations. Note that space will not be assigned to your request until a confirmation email is received and your reservation is no longer in a draft state.

Reservation Confirmation

Once your space request form has been submitted through 25Live Pro, Campus Reservations will begin processing your request.  If they have any questions or require additional information, they will contact you at your luc.edu email address (faculty and staff) or the email address on file with Student Activities and Greek Affairs (registered student organizations). Campus Reservations will assign the space requested under your reservation and will send an email confirmation if the space you are requesting is available for your event.  Please be sure to review the details of this confirmation to ensure that the date, space, time, and event information is correct. Confirmation emails are sent during regular office hours only.   


Campus Reservations requests that users cancel any reservation that will not be utilized. This will ensure that all faculty, staff, and student organizations have an equal opportunity to host events, and that the space utilization calendar in 25Live Pro is up-to-date for users planning future events.

Please send an email to Campus Reservations with your reference number (e.g., 2020-ABCDEF) and the date(s)/space(s) you wish to release. You can also respond to your event’s reminder or confirmation email sent from Campus Reservations (details below).

Reminder Emails

Campus Reservations will send reminder emails once a week to users hosting events occurring within two weeks that were booked more than three weeks prior. Please respond to confirm or cancel your event if you receive this reminder email.


Please indicate your setup needs within the Layout and Instructions fields of the 25Live Pro Event Form. We recommend including this information at the time of submission so that Campus Reservations can ensure that the requested space is appropriate for your event. If you are requesting custom setup for your event, you must allocate at least 1 hour of setup time and 1 hour of takedown time within the appropriate fields in the Event Form. Please email Campus Reservations at least three business days before your event date if you need to update your room setup: setup requests submitted after that time may not be accommodated. Setup requests and modifications are not accepted over the phone.

Some rooms have a limited number of setup configurations, and it is expected that you will reserve a room appropriate to the type of event you are planning. Furthermore, some rooms cannot accommodate custom setups at all and will come “as is” (e.g., classrooms, auditoriums, rooms with allocated furniture, etc).  Based on the furniture present in each room, minor adjustments to your requested setup (e.g., number of tables/chairs, chairs per table, etc.) may be made at the discretion of the setup crew.

Fees will be assessed if you are planning an event with a large setup that requires extensive labor, staging, audiovisual requirements, or other accommodations that exceed what is available in the space. Please let Campus Reservations know what your event requirements are well in advance so they can assist you in finding an appropriate space and assessing whether additional accommodations are necessary.

Large Events

For large events or programs that may affect other reservations, spaces, and dates, Campus Reservations will reach out to you to coordinate logistics and to ensure that your event is a success.  If detailed, accurate event and setup information is not received one week prior to your event, your reserved location will come as-is.


Academic Space Restrictions

Campus Reservations cannot confirm academic space requests until the course schedule is finalized because courses have priority in all classrooms and auditoriums. This usually occurs during the third week of the semester (details below). Prior to the third week, events occurring outside of peak academic hours (weekdays after 4 p.m. and weekends) will be tentatively booked. Tentative reservations will be relocated if a course requires the use of a room. Please note that these restrictions only apply to rooms that are used for classes; non-academic rooms need not adhere to the schedule below.

The Academic Waiting List Schedule

Prior to August 1 (Fall)/January 1 (Spring)/April 1 (Summer): Requests will be placed on the Academic Waiting List in “draft” status. No space will be reserved.

August 1 (Fall)/January 1 (Spring): Campus Reservations will begin tentatively booking requests that fall outside of peak academic hours (i.e., events occurring after 4 p.m. on weekdays and events occurring on weekends). These requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis as they appear on the Academic Waiting List.

During the first two weeks of the semester: Campus Reservations will continue tentatively booking evening/weekend requests. Campus Reservations will tentatively book Academic Waiting List requests that occur within the first two weeks of the semester during peak academic hours (i.e., before 4 p.m.).

During the third week of the semester/April 1 (Summer): Campus Reservation will begin confirming all requests and tentative reservations on the Academic Waiting List. This process generally takes about three weeks to complete.


If you are unable to reserve a space during University-Wide Events, please contact campus-reservations@luc.edu.

Event Setup

University-wide programmers are expected to orchestrate the collection and distribution of setups for events related to their program. Please send this information to Campus Reservations, who will add it to the reservation in 25Live Pro and distribute it to the appropriate setup crews. Supplemental support may require the involvement of additional campus partners, including ITRS, Facilities, Aramark, and Conference Services. All initial setup information must be submitted to Campus Reservations one month before the event date; submissions and modifications submitted less than two weeks prior to an event may not be accommodated. Please inform Campus Reservations if a third-party vendor will be used for event setup.


If you are a member of the Loyola community and are hoping to host an event during a time when all spaces are being held by a university-wide event, please email campus-reservations@luc.edu


  • For a locked room: please contact Campus Safety at 773.508.6039. An officer will respond to your request.

  • If your room is occupied: please contact Campus Safety at 773.508.6039 if the group/individual will not vacate. Have a copy of your reservation with you at all times. An officer will respond to your request and remove the occupants based on your space confirmation print-outs. Campus Safety has the right to remove anyone from a space if they cannot produce proof of reservation.

  • If your AV equipment is missing or non-functional: please call 773-508-7174 for Lake Shore Campus support, or 312-915-6645 for Water Tower Campus support and ITRS can assist you (click here to view ITRS’s classroom support hours).

  • To make changes to your room reservation: changes must be submitted by email to campus-reservations@luc.edu. Please include the reference number of the reservation (e.g., 2020-ABCDEF) and details of the requested change.

  • All requests must be placed through 25Live Pro: no email or phone requests will be accepted. 25Live Pro can be used to look up room availability and to view scheduled events at Loyola's Lake Shore Campus and Water Tower Campus; however, please note that the information displayed on 25Live Pro may change quickly due to the large volume of requests that are submitted each day. All requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and a space that appears available on 25Live Pro may not be available after you submit your request.

  • Room Availability: Campus Reservations will make final determination regarding room availability. Appropriate space substitutions may occur at the direction of the Campus Reservationist based on space availability. The University reserves the right to decline any request. All reservations are subject to change.

  • Reference Number: please always include your reservation’s reference number (e.g., 2017-ABCDEF) when corresponding with our department about your event. This number must be included for all status inquiries, modifications, and cancellations.

  • Processing Time: processing a request may take up to 3 business days. Please plan accordingly when submitting your request.

  • Duplicate Reservations: please be sure to only reserve space through 25Live Pro that you intend on utilizing. All unneeded reservations must be canceled in a timely manner. Duplicate reservations may be subject to cancellation at the discretion of Campus Reservations.

  • Private Property Care

    The University cannot accept responsibility for damage, theft or loss of personal property. The protection of personal property is the individual's responsibility. Serial numbers on articles such as stereos, laptops, iPods, iPads, or other electronics should be recorded. To guard against loss, rooms should not be reserved for storage and personal property should never be left unattended. Report any theft to Campus Safety as soon as possible.


  • Electrical Needs: if your event requires power above basic room outlets, please contact campus-reservations@luc.edu

  • Audio, Visual, Sound, and Teleconferencing Needs: events that require audiovisual support should schedule appropriate accommodations at the time of booking with the departments listed below. Additional costs may be applied if your event requires an on-site technician.

    • If you would like to order audiovisual equipment:

      -Please contact Damen Student Center staff (damenstudentcenter@luc.edu) for all Damen Student Center (DSC) and Centennial Forum (CF) spaces.

      -Please complete the class/event technology support form via the ITS Service Portal (Loyola login required) for all other campus spaces.

  • Internet Access: all university faculty, staff, and student organizations have access to the Loyola network.

    • Guest Credentials:

      • Guest wifi on all our campuses is self-service for events up to 72 hours. Instructions available at luc.edu/guestwifi.
      • For events longer than 72 hours, request a guest wifi login via the ITS Service Portal (Loyola login required).
      • If non-Loyola users will require access to a computer, such as to share a presentation, request a guest workstation login via the ITS Service Portal (Loyola login required).
  • Stages are only found in DSC Sr Jean MPR North & South and must receive advanced approval by Student Complex staff. 

    • Stages and rented/portable dancefloors are prohibited in all other locations at LSC and WTC.

Note: we encourage you to request confirmation for all equipment/services ordered.


Campus Reservations will work with you to reschedule your event if any of the items below occur:

  • Evacuation of Facility: spaces may be evacuated at any time due to unforeseen circumstances.  In such situations, events can resume only after receiving approval from Campus Safety.   If it is not possible to complete the event, the reservation will be terminated and the event will be rescheduled.

  • Interruption or Termination of Event: LUC retains the right to cause interruption to or the termination of any performance or event when it is deemed that such action is in the interest of public safety.

  • Unavoidable Happenings: Campus Reservations will work with the individuals to reschedule an event if it is determined that an event must be canceled due to circumstances out of the University’s control (including: weather, loss of power, fire, casualty, etc.).

  • Relocation: Campus Reservations may need to relocate reservations due to academic priority of classroom space, unforeseen circumstances, or limitations in the accommodations of a reserved room. If this is necessary, Campus Reservations will provide a written notice of relocation and will work with you to find an appropriate alternative to the original room.


Food and Beverages Policy at Student/University-Sponsored Events

To ensure the health and safety of the Loyola community, the sale and/or distribution of food prepared at home is prohibited. Student organizations are encouraged to work with Loyola University Chicago’s food service provider (Aramark) when catering an event or providing food at events.  If an event requires unique catering that Aramark is unable to provide, the sponsors or organizers will be sent a list of requirements. These guidelines are imposed by the City’s Health Commissioner and should not be taken lightly.  Please see the Miscellaneous Information page for these requirements.

Event Security

For the safety of the Loyola community, Campus Safety and/or the Director of Facilities may conduct periodic rounds throughout campus.  They must be able to enter all facilities at any given time— the Fire Marshal’s regulations require that doors to an event space remain unlocked and free from obstruction while an event is in progress.  Campus Safety shall solely determine and control security arrangements, including, but not limited to, the type and number of security personnel and placement of that personnel. Campus Safety reserves the right to require police and/or security personnel at the expense of the sponsoring organization. Individuals who display disruptive, dangerous, or inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave.

In addition, all hallways and stairwells must be free and clear of unauthorized items (defined as anything that is not a permanent fixture).  Easels, display boards, and other items are not to be stored in hallways and stairwells.

Event Time Regulations

All events must occur within the parameters of the time allotted.  Organizers should anticipate the time needed for setup, and they should designate this time in the appropriate fields of their event requests.  Earlier start times may be requested but are not guaranteed.  

Dance Practice Duration and Frequency

In an effort to accommodate the growing number of student organizations that require rehearsal and practice space, the number of rehearsal-related reservations for certain event spaces is limited to two reservations per week, with each reservation limited to a maximum of two hours. These spaces include: COFF McCormick Lounge, Jo Ann Rooney Hall, DSC Sr. Jean Dolores Schmidt BVM MPR, CFSU Mullady, CFSU Rambler Room, and CFSU Main Lobby. Reservations made in excess of these restrictions will be subject to cancellation, and the offending organizations will be subject to a loss of privileges. 

Speaker Policy

If you are hosting an event for an internal (university) or external (non-university) speaker, please include this information within your reservation. Additionally, please be sure to note any additional accommodations your speaker will require-- this includes additional rooms, audiovisual equipment, setup considerations, etc. It is mandatory that all speakers adhere to the Campus Reservations policies outlined on this page, as well as the general University policies which can be reviewed at http://www.luc.edu/policy/.

Demonstration Policy

The University Demonstration Policy can be found here


Students and their guests are expected to follow all local, state, and federal laws, as well as all University policies pertaining to the manufacture, possession, use, sale, and distribution of alcohol. Residential students and their guests are subject to additional regulations concerning alcohol in the residence halls (see Alcohol, Residence Hall, and Housing Policies 302(1) and JFRC Alcohol Policy 402(1)). Student organizations are subject to additional regulations concerning alcohol at organizational events (see, Alcohol, Other University Policies 523(1)). Students must properly dispose of all alcohol when requested by a University official. The following conduct is expressly prohibited regardless of age, except when otherwise specified:

  • Consuming or possessing alcohol while under twenty one (21) years of age (A)

  • Possessing an open alcohol container in public view (A)

  • Disruptive activity due to intoxication (B)

  • Manufacture, sale, or unauthorized distribution of alcohol (B)

  • Public intoxication on University property or at University-sponsored events (B)

  • Severe intoxication to a degree that raises concern about a student’s well-being (C) Degree of intoxication constituting “of concern” is at the reasonable discretion of the OSCCR; students alleged to violate this policy may be required to meet with the OSCCR Director

Please consult the Student Handbook for more information.  Students can also refer to the following link for additional alcohol information:  http://www.luc.edu/ccc/policy/.

Loyola University Chicago does not have a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages on the Lake Shore Campus or Water Tower Campus.  Aramark, the University's food service provider, has secured a caterer's liquor license for any events taking place at the lakeside campuses. Appropriate procedures must be followed in order to conform to the caterer's license in accordance with the Chicago Municipal Code and the Illinois Liquor Control Act. These procedures are in addition to other policies regarding alcohol use on campus by students, staff, and faculty. This information can be found in the Student Handbook, the Employee Handbook, and applicable business and employment policies, including, but not limited to, the Entertainment Expense Policy and the Fitness for Duty Employee Policy. These procedures do not supercede any existing policies related to alcohol.


Animals, other than those trained to assist with disabilities, are not permitted in any university event spaces or classrooms.

Audibility and Noise Control

Events which use loud amplified sound, or other form of high level sound, may infringe upon classes, programs, and other events/activities taking place on campus. Campus Safety reserves the right to monitor, adjust the volume levels, or discontinue any activity that interferes with the classes, programs, events, or other activities.

Fog/Hazer Machines

Fog/hazer machines and other like devices are prohibited due to the fire suppression systems in University facilities.


Gambling in any form is not permitted in University spaces. This includes, but is not limited to, raffles, illegal wagering, bookmaking, unauthorized games, or contests of chance.  This extends to all events associated with faculty, staff, and RSOs, including, but not limited to, University-sponsored functions, events in University residence halls, and sporting events (unless facilitated by a licensed third-party vendor).  For the purposes of this policy, a raffle is defined as any event requiring a fee for a chance to win a prize. Additionally, students shall not knowingly provide information to assist any individual involved in any gambling activities.

Pyrotechnics & Smoke Machines

Pyrotechnics and smoke machines are not permitted anywhere on campus.


The use of tobacco products and vaporizers (including e-cigarettes) are prohibited in University facilities, rental space, doorways, meeting rooms, restrooms, dining areas, etc.

Damage or Excessive Cleanup

All individuals are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure the proper care of buildings and equipment. If damage to property occurs, damage fees will be assessed and the group/organization will be billed accordingly. Intentional misuse, vandalism, or destruction of University facilities or equipment will result in disciplinary measures, as outlined in the Community Standards. 

Evacuation Procedures

In the case of an evacuation, individuals are to comply with Campus Safety representatives at all times.  Facility users will be notified of an emergency or threat to safety by an alarm, the building staff or University Police.  If necessary, the facilities will be evacuated in a calm and orderly fashion.  In case of an evacuation, all persons are to remain outside the building until they are instructed to return by Campus Safety.

Filming on Campus

Commercial photography, videotaping, digital imaging or filming must be approved by the University Marketing and Communications (UMC) Department.

Insurance for Student-Sponsored Events

We want to ensure that you and your guests are protected against any unexpected accidents that may occur during your time on campus at Loyola University Chicago.

It should be noted that in the event of a claim, only sponsored or registered student organizations and departments are covered under Loyola University Chicago’s insurance policy. The nature and type of claim determines actual coverage. You are expected to work with SAGA to arrange for “additional insured” coverage if your student organization is working with a contracted external party. A certificate of insurance evidencing their insurance coverage must be provide. Social Sororities and Fraternities see the Sorority and Fraternity Life Information section for additional insurance expectations.

Helping Loyola Maintain all Space and Facilities

Loyola is a beautiful campus, and your assistance is needed to ensure that all spaces and facilities remain a treasure to the University. The guidelines below should be followed at all times:

  • Do not use any adhesives, including tape, on building surfaces unless approved by building management.  Double-faced tape, heat tape, and duct tape are not permitted.

  • Notify management if you find any spills or apparent substances on the flooring.

  • Do not drag equipment, furniture, tables, chairs, or any large objects across the floors.

  • Adhesive-backed decals and stickers are prohibited.

  • Open flame of any kind is prohibited.

  • The following items are also not permitted on campus: balloons (with or without helium), feathers, glitter, bird seed, Mylar/confetti, real flower petals, tacks, sticky tack (must use blue painter's tape if taping/hanging anything).

  • Signs and decorations may not be taped, nailed, or tacked to painted or decorated surfaces and columns.

  • All portable and temporary pop-ups, temporary tents, and canopies must be approved.

  • Items left in the facilities are not the responsibility of LUC.

Please speak to University Marketing and Communication (umc@luc.edu) or contact the Damen Student Center (damenstudentcenter@luc.edu) if you need assistance with approved signage, formats, and placement.


Temporary Food Sales and Special Event Requirements

Any sponsored event that includes food and beverages not catered by the University’s caterer (Aramark) must adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the safety and health of those attending. The preparation of food at home (including residence halls) is strictly prohibited.

  • Only prepackaged, store-bought, or donated items may be sold.

  • All baked goods must be provided by an authorized food establishment and must be portioned out for single servings.

  • Gloves must be worn when selling or serving food. The only exception is when food items are individually wrapped.

  • No seafood of any kind.

  • No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed while engaged in food handling. Wash hands after eating, drinking or smoking before resuming food handling.

  • All transported food must be protected from contamination at all times (use food shields or covers, keep food off of the ground, etc.).

  • Provide trash containers and recycle bins positioned conveniently throughout the duration of the event.

  • Any event being held in an Aramark space during hours of operation must use Aramark’s services (Damen Dining, Simpson Dining, etc.).

  • The following spaces require that Aramark be used as the exclusive food service provider: Jo Ann Rooney Hall, Mundelein Palm Court, and the IC 4th Floor. 

  • Cookouts or grilling is prohibited unless Aramark is used as the food service provider. Aramak must supply and cook the food. Students may serve food but are required to wear gloves.

Types of Groups
  • Internal Groups are defined as academic departments, registered or sponsored student organizations, and administrative units that hold meetings for their staffs and members and may include specific Jesuit Community events. There will be no charge for this type of meeting. Fees may apply if additional labor, staffing, or equipment is required, and will be communicated with the requestor if applicable. 

  • Externally-Affiliated Groups are defined as University departments holding events at Loyola University Chicago that include outside participants, charge an admission/registration fee, or act as a host to an outside organization. These events must be contracted and appropriate service fees apply. Departmental approval is mandatory for these events. Please contact Conference Services for additional information and planning assistance.

  • External Groups are defined as any outside group not hosted by a university department or registered student organization. These groups must work directly with Conference Services for their events. They are not permitted to fundraise on campus fior any reason.

Loyola University Chicago (LUC) strives to provide program support, services, facilities, and amenities for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. These services are designed to facilitate the development of the LUC community by providing opportunities for involvement in a diverse array of organizations, programs, and activities. In the spirit of the Jesuit tradition, LUC provides meeting and event facilities to support academic growth and enhance the campus life experience.

In order to reserve space, faculty, staff, and student organizations must agree to follow LUC’s rules, regulations, and policies outlined in the Community Standards provided by the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. Users must also comply with applicable state and federal laws.


NEW Campus Usage Policy

Things to Know Before Reserving Space

How to Reserve Space

Reservation Cancellations

Setup Information

Academic and Student-Priority Space Considerations

University-Wide Events

Additional Policies and Procedures

Additional Accommodations

Event Contingency Information

General Use Information




Loyola University Chicago strives to be a welcoming community and advance discussion, learning and engagement through the use of its facilities on five campuses. Each year, Loyola welcomes conferences, seminars, community meetings and speaker presentations that advance our common interests in the pursuit of knowledge and encouragement of dialogue and discussion on a variety of topics.

With over 2 million square feet of space across the Water Tower and Lake Shore Campuses alone, the university also has an obligation to ensure that its facilities are well maintained and secured, that the needs of our guests on our campuses are met and that, in doing so, the university is appropriately prepared, compensated and protected.

The Campus Space Usage Policy is intended to ensure that Loyola can continue to serve the various needs of our campus community while at the same time outlining specific protocols that will help sponsors, planners and event organizers appropriately consider the operational impact, cost and advance notification necessary for a successful event.

Overall Policy Statement

Ownership of all Loyola University Chicago space/facilities belongs to the University, rather than individuals, units or departments and is assigned for specific functions that support Loyola’s educational mission and strategic goals set by the University.

The use of University-owned facilities is primarily reserved for students, faculty and staff in the normal daily operations of our educational enterprise. Events, conferences, seminars, and talks that complement our educational landscape will be accommodated if appropriate on-campus space is available and under the parameters of this Campus Space Usage Policy. The university president and provosts reserve the right to deny access and use of university facilities for any event, conference, seminar or talk that they believe is not consistent with Loyola’s Jesuit and Catholic identity and mission. All properties, buildings, spaces (both indoors & outdoors) on all campuses are included in this policy.

The use of university space is a privilege. It comes with the expectation that the individual department, school or division using or sponsoring the use of the space:

RESPECT university property, and;
RECOGNIZE that the set-up, security, insurance, guest and participant accommodations and audio-visual support does not come without cost.

Space Usage Categories

Internal university use - The event, performance, conference, seminar, talk, etc. is presented by and attended by faculty, staff, or students of Loyola only. The event is not open to the general public or any other group other than faculty, staff or students. No registration fees, conference fees or membership fees are required for anyone to attend the event and the appropriate university department is primarily responsible for the program, its promotion and execution. It is typically hosted by an academic department, student organization, services unit or division. External sponsorships are not permitted; this would also include an outside organization to pay for the catering of an event and to reimburse the department hosting the event.

Sponsored event - The event, performance, conference, seminar, talk, etc. is hosted by an appropriate University department or departments, school, division, student organization and may be promoted and marketed to a broad external group, typically, but not always listed under the name of an association or agency, (e.g. Society of Professional Journalists, American Association of Accounting Professionals, Society of Historians, etc.) Typically, but not always membership in an organization, conference or admission fee is charged in order to attend. Speakers and/or guests must also include Loyola faculty, staff or students. In order for they category to apply, the hosting department must be present during the event and work with Conference Services on logistics. If not, it is considered and external event/activity.

External event - The event, performance, conference, seminar, talk, etc. is promoted and executed by an external organization or association that desires to use the University’s facilities, housing accommodations and other amenities for its program. Loyola students, faculty or staff may or may not have an interest or role in the program and typically, but not always, registration fees, membership or admission fees are charged by the organizers of the event.

Fees, Insurance, and Guest Accommodations

The set-up, usage, cleaning and maintenance of university space is handled through the facilities department and our outside housekeeping contractor, Millard Services. Fees may be incurred for room preparation and take-down for internal and co-sponsored events if they exceed the standard room setup or require support beyond the capabilities of the space. However, in an effort to encourage academic departments, divisions and schools to engage with outside associations and bring them to Loyola and Chicago to host their events, Conference Services can assist and has instituted a two-tiered rate structure for room rental fees, clean-up and associated requirements.


Internal events – Most setups are complimentary especially if an event uses the existing standard room setups. Additional fees may apply if the setup exceeds the existing configuration capabilities. If equipment and resources are brought in to support the event, the sponsoring department will be notified of additional expenses and will have the option to work with the existing university resources or assume payment responsibilities for the additional support.

Sponsored events - rates apply to those sponsored events that are hosted on campus by a University department or departments, school, division, student organization and are designed to cover the actual costs only of personnel and set-up and take down of requested rooms. Typically fees are 50% of the external event rate.

External events - rates apply to those external events whose organizations contact conference services directly for use of our space, campus amenities and, in some cases, overnight accommodations, for their members or audience. These rates are competitive with other conference venues in Chicago including local hotels.


Certificates of Insurance must be provided for any sponsored or conference event held on any of Loyola University’s campuses. Conference Services is equipped to answer questions on the form and requirements of such insurance certificates.

Guest Accommodations

Sponsored or conference events are expected to work with Conference Services to address any needed guest accommodations such as parking, overnight rooms or special needs. Unless otherwise negotiated via a Conference Services agreement, all guests will be responsible for the cost of any on-campus parking, overnight accommodations or other special requirements.

Protocols and Policy for Usage Categories

25Live Pro is the university’s on-line room reservation system. It is accessible via: https://campusres.luc.edu/25Live Pro/ by any Loyola registered student organization, faculty member or staff member. It is important that all fields and details of the event be completed in 25Live Pro so that room set-up needs and facilities and Campus Reservations appropriately understand any other event information. 25Live Pro is the reservation mechanism that should be used to reserve campus space for Internal University Use categories only. Sponsored and External events must be booked via Conference Services to ensure that appropriate fees, insurance requirements and guest accommodations can be met.

  1. Determine the usage category of your event. (Internal, Sponsored, External)

  2. If you are unsure, phone Campus Reservations (773-508-8117) or Conference Services (773-508-8090) for input and direction.

  3. Depending on the event type, proceed to reserve the desired spaces/dates/times either via 25Live Pro or with a call to Conference Services (773-508-8090); NOTE: it is important that all questions on 25Live Pro are answered fully and truthfully. Falsifying information on 25Live Pro to circumvent the assessment of appropriate charges for event space will result in its cancellation and assessment of appropriate fees.

  4. Campus Reservations will assist with reservations, event details and logistics for internal University use categories only.

  5. Conference Services will assist with reservations, logistics, event details, contracts, insurance, invoices, payments, parking, transportation, AV, communication/signage, security and special requests.

Event Types and Any Associated Costs and Requirements

Internal university use -

  • Reservation process: 25Live Pro

  • Room set up fees: None

  • Room rental fees: None

  • Room clean fees: None

  • Food costs: Per Loyola Catering/usage

  • AV: ITRS supported with the exception of afterhours/weekends which may incur additional fees. Last minute request may not be supported.

Sponsored event - (call Conference Services for rates)

  • Reservation process: Conference Services

  • Room set-up fees: Yes—University sponsorship rate schedule

  • Room rental fees: Yes---University sponsorship rate schedule

  • Room clean fees: Yes—University sponsorship rate schedule

  • Food/Beverage: Loyola Catering

  • AV: Yes—per conference services schedule

  • Contracts/Insurance Yes

  • Invoices/Payments Yes

External event - (call Conference Services for rates)

  • Reservation process: Conference Services

  • Room set-up fees: Yes—Conference rate schedule

  • Room rental fees: Yes—Conference rate schedule

  • Room clean fees: Yes—Conference rate schedule

  • Food/Beverage: Loyola Catering

  • AV: Yes

  • Contracts/Insurance Yes

  • Invoices/Payments Yes

Notes: Stages, set-ups, security, parking/transportation, Athletics events, use of Gentile arena, early/late building access, may require additional fees and assistance.

Sponsored and external events must be booked a minimum of 21 days prior to the event date. If the event is under 21 days, additional cost may be incurred.

Political events must have prior approval from the office of Government Affairs.

Events/activities cancelled less than 48 hours (or not at all) may result in the rooms/space setup charges assessed to the University department or departments, school, division, student organization.


General Information

Rooms are available for reservation when they are not being used by courses or University-wide functions. Some rooms have academic restrictions: requests for these spaces will not be confirmed until the third week of each semester. Special requests to receive early approval will be considered but are not guaranteed. All reservations must be confirmed through Campus Reservations to ensure that space is properly booked. Setup configurations and AV accommodations may be limited based on space capabilities. Although Campus Reservations will work hard to accommodate all requests, last minute reservations and room setups cannot be guaranteed. All requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and should be placed at least 10 business days before your event date.

Reservable Space

To review a list of reservable locations, please visit the Campus Reservations Room Inventory.  Though this inventory provides basic information about most reservable locations, a more thorough list of details and accommodations can be found by searching for the room in 25Live Pro, clicking on the title, and selecting the Details sub-tab.  


Staff, faculty, and registered student organizations should submit room requests through the Event Form in 25Live Pro. Questions regarding facility availability, use, and accommodations can be sent to campus-reservations@luc.edu.  Off-campus groups must contact Conference Services at conferences@luc.edu. Requests will be subject to availability and will be billed accordingly.

Note: you may need to consider an alternate room if your desired space is not available on the date of your event. There are many event spaces, auditoriums, and classrooms reservable through 25Live Pro. If you are flexible with the date and/or the location of your event, Campus Reservations can assist with the process of finding an alternate location.

How to Reserve Space

Please visit 25Live Pro to place a reservation request. Decide which type of space is appropriate for your event— you can do so by reviewing the Room Inventory or by using the category search options in 25Live Pro. Here, you can find pictures, descriptions, features, setup options, and specials notes regarding all reservable rooms. If needed, Campus Reservations is always happy to assist with space suggestions and 25Live Pro training (campus-reservations@luc.edu). Once you are ready to place your request, click on the Event Form tab in the upper-right corner of the screen. Please provide as much information as possible within the body of the form. Once you click finish, your request will be sent to Campus Reservations for processing. All requests are considered drafts until you receive a confirmation email from Campus Reservations. Note that space will not be assigned to your request until a confirmation email is received and your reservation is no longer in a draft state.

Reservation Confirmation

Once your space request form has been submitted through 25Live Pro, Campus Reservations will begin processing your request.  If they have any questions or require additional information, they will contact you at your luc.edu email address (faculty and staff) or the email address on file with Student Activities and Greek Affairs (registered student organizations). Campus Reservations will assign the space requested under your reservation and will send an email confirmation if the space you are requesting is available for your event.  Please be sure to review the details of this confirmation to ensure that the date, space, time, and event information is correct. Confirmation emails are sent during regular office hours only.   


Campus Reservations requests that users cancel any reservation that will not be utilized. This will ensure that all faculty, staff, and student organizations have an equal opportunity to host events, and that the space utilization calendar in 25Live Pro is up-to-date for users planning future events.

Please send an email to Campus Reservations with your reference number (e.g., 2020-ABCDEF) and the date(s)/space(s) you wish to release. You can also respond to your event’s reminder or confirmation email sent from Campus Reservations (details below).

Reminder Emails

Campus Reservations will send reminder emails once a week to users hosting events occurring within two weeks that were booked more than three weeks prior. Please respond to confirm or cancel your event if you receive this reminder email.


Please indicate your setup needs within the Layout and Instructions fields of the 25Live Pro Event Form. We recommend including this information at the time of submission so that Campus Reservations can ensure that the requested space is appropriate for your event. If you are requesting custom setup for your event, you must allocate at least 1 hour of setup time and 1 hour of takedown time within the appropriate fields in the Event Form. Please email Campus Reservations at least three business days before your event date if you need to update your room setup: setup requests submitted after that time may not be accommodated. Setup requests and modifications are not accepted over the phone.

Some rooms have a limited number of setup configurations, and it is expected that you will reserve a room appropriate to the type of event you are planning. Furthermore, some rooms cannot accommodate custom setups at all and will come “as is” (e.g., classrooms, auditoriums, rooms with allocated furniture, etc).  Based on the furniture present in each room, minor adjustments to your requested setup (e.g., number of tables/chairs, chairs per table, etc.) may be made at the discretion of the setup crew.

Fees will be assessed if you are planning an event with a large setup that requires extensive labor, staging, audiovisual requirements, or other accommodations that exceed what is available in the space. Please let Campus Reservations know what your event requirements are well in advance so they can assist you in finding an appropriate space and assessing whether additional accommodations are necessary.

Large Events

For large events or programs that may affect other reservations, spaces, and dates, Campus Reservations will reach out to you to coordinate logistics and to ensure that your event is a success.  If detailed, accurate event and setup information is not received one week prior to your event, your reserved location will come as-is.


Academic Space Restrictions

Campus Reservations cannot confirm academic space requests until the course schedule is finalized because courses have priority in all classrooms and auditoriums. This usually occurs during the third week of the semester (details below). Prior to the third week, events occurring outside of peak academic hours (weekdays after 4 p.m. and weekends) will be tentatively booked. Tentative reservations will be relocated if a course requires the use of a room. Please note that these restrictions only apply to rooms that are used for classes; non-academic rooms need not adhere to the schedule below.

The Academic Waiting List Schedule

Prior to August 1 (Fall)/January 1 (Spring)/April 1 (Summer): Requests will be placed on the Academic Waiting List in “draft” status. No space will be reserved.

August 1 (Fall)/January 1 (Spring): Campus Reservations will begin tentatively booking requests that fall outside of peak academic hours (i.e., events occurring after 4 p.m. on weekdays and events occurring on weekends). These requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis as they appear on the Academic Waiting List.

During the first two weeks of the semester: Campus Reservations will continue tentatively booking evening/weekend requests. Campus Reservations will tentatively book Academic Waiting List requests that occur within the first two weeks of the semester during peak academic hours (i.e., before 4 p.m.).

During the third week of the semester/April 1 (Summer): Campus Reservation will begin confirming all requests and tentative reservations on the Academic Waiting List. This process generally takes about three weeks to complete.


If you are unable to reserve a space during University-Wide Events, please contact campus-reservations@luc.edu.

Event Setup

University-wide programmers are expected to orchestrate the collection and distribution of setups for events related to their program. Please send this information to Campus Reservations, who will add it to the reservation in 25Live Pro and distribute it to the appropriate setup crews. Supplemental support may require the involvement of additional campus partners, including ITRS, Facilities, Aramark, and Conference Services. All initial setup information must be submitted to Campus Reservations one month before the event date; submissions and modifications submitted less than two weeks prior to an event may not be accommodated. Please inform Campus Reservations if a third-party vendor will be used for event setup.


If you are a member of the Loyola community and are hoping to host an event during a time when all spaces are being held by a university-wide event, please email campus-reservations@luc.edu


  • For a locked room: please contact Campus Safety at 773.508.6039. An officer will respond to your request.

  • If your room is occupied: please contact Campus Safety at 773.508.6039 if the group/individual will not vacate. Have a copy of your reservation with you at all times. An officer will respond to your request and remove the occupants based on your space confirmation print-outs. Campus Safety has the right to remove anyone from a space if they cannot produce proof of reservation.

  • If your AV equipment is missing or non-functional: please call 773-508-7174 for Lake Shore Campus support, or 312-915-6645 for Water Tower Campus support and ITRS can assist you (click here to view ITRS’s classroom support hours).

  • To make changes to your room reservation: changes must be submitted by email to campus-reservations@luc.edu. Please include the reference number of the reservation (e.g., 2020-ABCDEF) and details of the requested change.

  • All requests must be placed through 25Live Pro: no email or phone requests will be accepted. 25Live Pro can be used to look up room availability and to view scheduled events at Loyola's Lake Shore Campus and Water Tower Campus; however, please note that the information displayed on 25Live Pro may change quickly due to the large volume of requests that are submitted each day. All requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and a space that appears available on 25Live Pro may not be available after you submit your request.

  • Room Availability: Campus Reservations will make final determination regarding room availability. Appropriate space substitutions may occur at the direction of the Campus Reservationist based on space availability. The University reserves the right to decline any request. All reservations are subject to change.

  • Reference Number: please always include your reservation’s reference number (e.g., 2017-ABCDEF) when corresponding with our department about your event. This number must be included for all status inquiries, modifications, and cancellations.

  • Processing Time: processing a request may take up to 3 business days. Please plan accordingly when submitting your request.

  • Duplicate Reservations: please be sure to only reserve space through 25Live Pro that you intend on utilizing. All unneeded reservations must be canceled in a timely manner. Duplicate reservations may be subject to cancellation at the discretion of Campus Reservations.

  • Private Property Care

    The University cannot accept responsibility for damage, theft or loss of personal property. The protection of personal property is the individual's responsibility. Serial numbers on articles such as stereos, laptops, iPods, iPads, or other electronics should be recorded. To guard against loss, rooms should not be reserved for storage and personal property should never be left unattended. Report any theft to Campus Safety as soon as possible.


  • Electrical Needs: if your event requires power above basic room outlets, please contact campus-reservations@luc.edu

  • Audio, Visual, Sound, and Teleconferencing Needs: events that require audiovisual support should schedule appropriate accommodations at the time of booking with the departments listed below. Additional costs may be applied if your event requires an on-site technician.

    • If you would like to order audiovisual equipment:

      -Please contact Damen Student Center staff (damenstudentcenter@luc.edu) for all Damen Student Center (DSC) and Centennial Forum (CF) spaces.

      -Please complete the class/event technology support form via the ITS Service Portal (Loyola login required) for all other campus spaces.

  • Internet Access: all university faculty, staff, and student organizations have access to the Loyola network.

    • Guest Credentials:

      • Guest wifi on all our campuses is self-service for events up to 72 hours. Instructions available at luc.edu/guestwifi.
      • For events longer than 72 hours, request a guest wifi login via the ITS Service Portal (Loyola login required).
      • If non-Loyola users will require access to a computer, such as to share a presentation, request a guest workstation login via the ITS Service Portal (Loyola login required).
  • Stages are only found in DSC Sr Jean MPR North & South and must receive advanced approval by Student Complex staff. 

    • Stages and rented/portable dancefloors are prohibited in all other locations at LSC and WTC.

Note: we encourage you to request confirmation for all equipment/services ordered.


Campus Reservations will work with you to reschedule your event if any of the items below occur:

  • Evacuation of Facility: spaces may be evacuated at any time due to unforeseen circumstances.  In such situations, events can resume only after receiving approval from Campus Safety.   If it is not possible to complete the event, the reservation will be terminated and the event will be rescheduled.

  • Interruption or Termination of Event: LUC retains the right to cause interruption to or the termination of any performance or event when it is deemed that such action is in the interest of public safety.

  • Unavoidable Happenings: Campus Reservations will work with the individuals to reschedule an event if it is determined that an event must be canceled due to circumstances out of the University’s control (including: weather, loss of power, fire, casualty, etc.).

  • Relocation: Campus Reservations may need to relocate reservations due to academic priority of classroom space, unforeseen circumstances, or limitations in the accommodations of a reserved room. If this is necessary, Campus Reservations will provide a written notice of relocation and will work with you to find an appropriate alternative to the original room.


Food and Beverages Policy at Student/University-Sponsored Events

To ensure the health and safety of the Loyola community, the sale and/or distribution of food prepared at home is prohibited. Student organizations are encouraged to work with Loyola University Chicago’s food service provider (Aramark) when catering an event or providing food at events.  If an event requires unique catering that Aramark is unable to provide, the sponsors or organizers will be sent a list of requirements. These guidelines are imposed by the City’s Health Commissioner and should not be taken lightly.  Please see the Miscellaneous Information page for these requirements.

Event Security

For the safety of the Loyola community, Campus Safety and/or the Director of Facilities may conduct periodic rounds throughout campus.  They must be able to enter all facilities at any given time— the Fire Marshal’s regulations require that doors to an event space remain unlocked and free from obstruction while an event is in progress.  Campus Safety shall solely determine and control security arrangements, including, but not limited to, the type and number of security personnel and placement of that personnel. Campus Safety reserves the right to require police and/or security personnel at the expense of the sponsoring organization. Individuals who display disruptive, dangerous, or inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave.

In addition, all hallways and stairwells must be free and clear of unauthorized items (defined as anything that is not a permanent fixture).  Easels, display boards, and other items are not to be stored in hallways and stairwells.

Event Time Regulations

All events must occur within the parameters of the time allotted.  Organizers should anticipate the time needed for setup, and they should designate this time in the appropriate fields of their event requests.  Earlier start times may be requested but are not guaranteed.  

Dance Practice Duration and Frequency

In an effort to accommodate the growing number of student organizations that require rehearsal and practice space, the number of rehearsal-related reservations for certain event spaces is limited to two reservations per week, with each reservation limited to a maximum of two hours. These spaces include: COFF McCormick Lounge, Jo Ann Rooney Hall, DSC Sr. Jean Dolores Schmidt BVM MPR, CFSU Mullady, CFSU Rambler Room, and CFSU Main Lobby. Reservations made in excess of these restrictions will be subject to cancellation, and the offending organizations will be subject to a loss of privileges. 

Speaker Policy

If you are hosting an event for an internal (university) or external (non-university) speaker, please include this information within your reservation. Additionally, please be sure to note any additional accommodations your speaker will require-- this includes additional rooms, audiovisual equipment, setup considerations, etc. It is mandatory that all speakers adhere to the Campus Reservations policies outlined on this page, as well as the general University policies which can be reviewed at http://www.luc.edu/policy/.

Demonstration Policy

The University Demonstration Policy can be found here


Students and their guests are expected to follow all local, state, and federal laws, as well as all University policies pertaining to the manufacture, possession, use, sale, and distribution of alcohol. Residential students and their guests are subject to additional regulations concerning alcohol in the residence halls (see Alcohol, Residence Hall, and Housing Policies 302(1) and JFRC Alcohol Policy 402(1)). Student organizations are subject to additional regulations concerning alcohol at organizational events (see, Alcohol, Other University Policies 523(1)). Students must properly dispose of all alcohol when requested by a University official. The following conduct is expressly prohibited regardless of age, except when otherwise specified:

  • Consuming or possessing alcohol while under twenty one (21) years of age (A)

  • Possessing an open alcohol container in public view (A)

  • Disruptive activity due to intoxication (B)

  • Manufacture, sale, or unauthorized distribution of alcohol (B)

  • Public intoxication on University property or at University-sponsored events (B)

  • Severe intoxication to a degree that raises concern about a student’s well-being (C) Degree of intoxication constituting “of concern” is at the reasonable discretion of the OSCCR; students alleged to violate this policy may be required to meet with the OSCCR Director

Please consult the Student Handbook for more information.  Students can also refer to the following link for additional alcohol information:  http://www.luc.edu/ccc/policy/.

Loyola University Chicago does not have a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages on the Lake Shore Campus or Water Tower Campus.  Aramark, the University's food service provider, has secured a caterer's liquor license for any events taking place at the lakeside campuses. Appropriate procedures must be followed in order to conform to the caterer's license in accordance with the Chicago Municipal Code and the Illinois Liquor Control Act. These procedures are in addition to other policies regarding alcohol use on campus by students, staff, and faculty. This information can be found in the Student Handbook, the Employee Handbook, and applicable business and employment policies, including, but not limited to, the Entertainment Expense Policy and the Fitness for Duty Employee Policy. These procedures do not supercede any existing policies related to alcohol.


Animals, other than those trained to assist with disabilities, are not permitted in any university event spaces or classrooms.

Audibility and Noise Control

Events which use loud amplified sound, or other form of high level sound, may infringe upon classes, programs, and other events/activities taking place on campus. Campus Safety reserves the right to monitor, adjust the volume levels, or discontinue any activity that interferes with the classes, programs, events, or other activities.

Fog/Hazer Machines

Fog/hazer machines and other like devices are prohibited due to the fire suppression systems in University facilities.


Gambling in any form is not permitted in University spaces. This includes, but is not limited to, raffles, illegal wagering, bookmaking, unauthorized games, or contests of chance.  This extends to all events associated with faculty, staff, and RSOs, including, but not limited to, University-sponsored functions, events in University residence halls, and sporting events (unless facilitated by a licensed third-party vendor).  For the purposes of this policy, a raffle is defined as any event requiring a fee for a chance to win a prize. Additionally, students shall not knowingly provide information to assist any individual involved in any gambling activities.

Pyrotechnics & Smoke Machines

Pyrotechnics and smoke machines are not permitted anywhere on campus.


The use of tobacco products and vaporizers (including e-cigarettes) are prohibited in University facilities, rental space, doorways, meeting rooms, restrooms, dining areas, etc.

Damage or Excessive Cleanup

All individuals are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure the proper care of buildings and equipment. If damage to property occurs, damage fees will be assessed and the group/organization will be billed accordingly. Intentional misuse, vandalism, or destruction of University facilities or equipment will result in disciplinary measures, as outlined in the Community Standards. 

Evacuation Procedures

In the case of an evacuation, individuals are to comply with Campus Safety representatives at all times.  Facility users will be notified of an emergency or threat to safety by an alarm, the building staff or University Police.  If necessary, the facilities will be evacuated in a calm and orderly fashion.  In case of an evacuation, all persons are to remain outside the building until they are instructed to return by Campus Safety.

Filming on Campus

Commercial photography, videotaping, digital imaging or filming must be approved by the University Marketing and Communications (UMC) Department.

Insurance for Student-Sponsored Events

We want to ensure that you and your guests are protected against any unexpected accidents that may occur during your time on campus at Loyola University Chicago.

It should be noted that in the event of a claim, only sponsored or registered student organizations and departments are covered under Loyola University Chicago’s insurance policy. The nature and type of claim determines actual coverage. You are expected to work with SAGA to arrange for “additional insured” coverage if your student organization is working with a contracted external party. A certificate of insurance evidencing their insurance coverage must be provide. Social Sororities and Fraternities see the Sorority and Fraternity Life Information section for additional insurance expectations.

Helping Loyola Maintain all Space and Facilities

Loyola is a beautiful campus, and your assistance is needed to ensure that all spaces and facilities remain a treasure to the University. The guidelines below should be followed at all times:

  • Do not use any adhesives, including tape, on building surfaces unless approved by building management.  Double-faced tape, heat tape, and duct tape are not permitted.

  • Notify management if you find any spills or apparent substances on the flooring.

  • Do not drag equipment, furniture, tables, chairs, or any large objects across the floors.

  • Adhesive-backed decals and stickers are prohibited.

  • Open flame of any kind is prohibited.

  • The following items are also not permitted on campus: balloons (with or without helium), feathers, glitter, bird seed, Mylar/confetti, real flower petals, tacks, sticky tack (must use blue painter's tape if taping/hanging anything).

  • Signs and decorations may not be taped, nailed, or tacked to painted or decorated surfaces and columns.

  • All portable and temporary pop-ups, temporary tents, and canopies must be approved.

  • Items left in the facilities are not the responsibility of LUC.

Please speak to University Marketing and Communication (umc@luc.edu) or contact the Damen Student Center (damenstudentcenter@luc.edu) if you need assistance with approved signage, formats, and placement.


Temporary Food Sales and Special Event Requirements

Any sponsored event that includes food and beverages not catered by the University’s caterer (Aramark) must adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the safety and health of those attending. The preparation of food at home (including residence halls) is strictly prohibited.

  • Only prepackaged, store-bought, or donated items may be sold.

  • All baked goods must be provided by an authorized food establishment and must be portioned out for single servings.

  • Gloves must be worn when selling or serving food. The only exception is when food items are individually wrapped.

  • No seafood of any kind.

  • No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed while engaged in food handling. Wash hands after eating, drinking or smoking before resuming food handling.

  • All transported food must be protected from contamination at all times (use food shields or covers, keep food off of the ground, etc.).

  • Provide trash containers and recycle bins positioned conveniently throughout the duration of the event.

  • Any event being held in an Aramark space during hours of operation must use Aramark’s services (Damen Dining, Simpson Dining, etc.).

  • The following spaces require that Aramark be used as the exclusive food service provider: Jo Ann Rooney Hall, Mundelein Palm Court, and the IC 4th Floor. 

  • Cookouts or grilling is prohibited unless Aramark is used as the food service provider. Aramak must supply and cook the food. Students may serve food but are required to wear gloves.

Types of Groups
  • Internal Groups are defined as academic departments, registered or sponsored student organizations, and administrative units that hold meetings for their staffs and members and may include specific Jesuit Community events. There will be no charge for this type of meeting. Fees may apply if additional labor, staffing, or equipment is required, and will be communicated with the requestor if applicable. 

  • Externally-Affiliated Groups are defined as University departments holding events at Loyola University Chicago that include outside participants, charge an admission/registration fee, or act as a host to an outside organization. These events must be contracted and appropriate service fees apply. Departmental approval is mandatory for these events. Please contact Conference Services for additional information and planning assistance.

  • External Groups are defined as any outside group not hosted by a university department or registered student organization. These groups must work directly with Conference Services for their events. They are not permitted to fundraise on campus fior any reason.